Some skin conditions are more prevalent in childhood and dissipate into adulthood, but other conditions worsen over time. This is why scheduling a dermatology screening is recommended as soon as a concern begins, and any of our expert providers will be ready to help your child in need.
Contact us at (815) 229-9333 ext. 1 to schedule.
As a dermatology clinic, we care for patients of all ages including infants and teenagers. Skin conditions are one of the earliest concerns a child faces as early as within the first few months of life. Our specialists here at Edgebrook Dermatology are able to provide treatment for these concerns, such as eczema, rashes, skin allergies, cradle cap, and more.
If no concerns arise in the earliest years of life, it may then be time to see a dermatologist around the ages of 12-15 in the puberty stages. This is when hormonal acne becomes a battle, making this time a prime opportunity to begin annual dermatology skin screenings. Dermatologists can also examine moles, especially when any skin cancer history exists in the family or the moles look suspicious.