Regretful tattoos? No worries.
With laser tattoo removal, we can remove both black and colored inks. This process uses heat to destroy the ink particles, exploding them into tiny fragments that can flush easily out of your system.
Trust the process.
Number of treatments can vary between 6-12 treatments, or potentially even more. This will depend on the color, age, type of ink used, depth of the ink, and the skin type of the patient. When looking to break up ink pigment, we have to be cautious to not harm the skin pigment. This is why being in the skin’s fairest state possible is extremely important.
The tattoo will slowly lighten with each session. Each treatment is performed every 6-8 weeks, allowing time for the skin to heal over and for any broken down ink to flush out before we can continue distributing more heat. The healing process is very similar to getting a tattoo in the first place—the area will be bandaged and a bit sore for a few days and need to stay out of the sun.
Does it hurt?
Tattoo removal is usually considered painful, but topical numbing at the beginning of the session can help to ease that discomfort.
Contact us.
To find out how many treatments your tattoo will take, as well as determine cost, sizing, and go over any other important information, set up a FREE consultation today.