Case ID: 3364
Case ID: 3371
Using Juvederm Ultra for nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and the scar located on the left side of the mouth.
Smile Line FillersCase ID: 2678
This patient has been receiving both Erbium and PicoSure treatments with us since 2014. With continued treatment plans and maintenance, he has completely transformed his skin, improving wrinkles, scarring, sun damage, and overall signs of aging
Erbium and PicoSureCase ID: 2668
Filler using Juvederm Volbella This patient boasted about how happy she was with these results, achieving a very natural, hydrated pout!
Lip FillerCase ID: 2664
Lip filler before and after using Juvederm Volbella for an overall lip augmentation
Lip Filler