

Laser Hair Reduction

Unwanted hairs, stubborn razor burn, and irritated pigmentation… be GONE. Ever wondered what that would be like? Smoother, healthier skin of the neck, chin, upper lip, and body is achievable with laser hair reduction. We prefer to use the term “reduction” rather than “removal” to align our patients with realistic expectations. A one-hundred percent removal

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The Consultation

Here at Edgebrook Dermatology, we see patients for medical dermatology exams in our Medical Center. But how do I get into our Laser and/or Aesthetic Center? What if my skin concerns aren’t medical, but just cosmetic? What if I’m interested in resurfacing texture, improving scarring, and investing in long-term anti-aging and protective skin regimens? That’s

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Microneedling Devices: Why Choose Potenza?

Microneedling is all the rage nowadays—but it’s important for patients to understand that this is just a general term for a treatment technique. Just like “laser” or “injectable,” the term “microneedling” includes a very broad range of devices and strengths, so understanding their differences will help patients recognize why one may be more suitable than

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  Potenza Microneedling delivers thermal energy to deeper tissue, causing tissue contraction. The energy/heat also triggers the body to produce collagen and elastin, resulting in skin tightening through soft-tissue coagulation. Treating acne, scarring, loose skin, and stretch marks, Potenza Microneedling by CynoSure can improve a variety of skin concerns by restimulating collagen and elastin production. Using

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Book An Appointment

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know the team at Edgebrook Dermatology.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

“Always amazing care and professionalism. The team is so nice and personal to work with. I appreciate the continuous hard work, dedication, and passion the dermatology team demonstrates. Thank you sooo much.”


How may we help?

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Visit Edgebrook Dermatology

Monday – Friday: 6:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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